La Parapharmacie
Prunus amygdalus - Sweet Almond (buds) Conceived to provide you with all the attributes and vitality of the plant in concentrated form
Psyllium Fiber Ultra Rich + F.O.S. This excellent source of fiber purifies and decontaminates.
Quercetin (with bioflavonoids)- 90 caplets ##### Benefits - Antioxidant to combat oxidative stress - Aids digestion - Supports a healthy inflammatory response ##### Features - Enhanced with bromelain and citrus bioflavonoids - Gluten free - Dairy free -
Quercetin Bioflavonoids Complex 250 mg Contains quercetin, bromelain and rutin that scavenges oxygen radicals, inhibits xanthine oxidase, and inhibits lipid peroxidation.
Quercus robur - Oak (buds) Individual mother-macerates - each extract contains all the attributes of a single bud.
Ravintsara essential oil Cinnamomum camphora - ct cinéole
Red Clover Blossoms 390 mg Red Clover Blossoms provide vitamins A, B complex, C, P, biotin and choline. It contains a blood thinning agent, coumarin.
Red clover tincture Organic Used traditionally as a depurative tonic and for skin conditions.
Red Raspberry tincture ##### Benefits - Supports health of the female organs - Relieves painful menstruation - Strengthens the uterine walls - Reduces heavy menstrual flow ##### Features - Made from organic and wildcrafted herbs - Therapeutic dose of condition-specific herbs - Tinctures are rapidly absorbed and metabolized – absorption begins in the mouth, allowing the body to absorb up to 98% of the medicinal components - Large 100ml bottle size offers great value -
Resveratrol EXTRA One capsule of Resveratrol EXTRA contains the amount of resveratrol equivalent to an average of 66 bottles of red wine. 
Rhodiola tincture Organic - 50 ml Rhodiola helps to relieve symptoms of mental fatigue related to stress.
Ribes nigrum - Black Currant (buds) Individual mother-macerates - each extract contains all the attributes of a single bud.