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ZenCleanz ONE

1 unit

This 1-day cleanse addresses the whole length of the digestive tract. It is made of a wide selection of enzymes to complete the digestion of all undigested material that stuck to your intestinal wall and many types of vegan fibers to sweep it all out!.

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Product Details


  • Made of 100% natural and organic produces fermented for over 3 years.
  • Protocol has been designed by a consortium of Scientists, Traditional Chinese Medicine experts and Nutritionists.
  • Can be combined to any other detox methods.
  • Can be done on the first day of any kinds of health retreat and provide observable benefits.
  • Comes along with education about intestinal hygiene and health maintenance.


  • Clears the whole Gastro-Intestinal tract from plaque in a single day. (this includes the oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon)
  • Works beyond the digestive tract into the organs and glands. Some bodily and metabolic functions may be reactivated as the enzymes clear obstacles within them
  • Enters the blood stream and initiates cleansing of the vessels
  • Penetrates the liver and initiates its cleanse
  • Nourishes the digestive tract with beneficial microorganisms so no flora rebuilding protocol is required
  • Removes dampness, excess fat, undigested fecal matter, mucus, pathogenic bacteria, parasites and other types of unwanted debris stuck inside the intestinal tract

INGREDIENTS (LIQUID): Pineapple, apple, papaya, grape, tomato, star fruit, lemon, banana, dragon fruit, guava, watermelon, mulberry, kiwi, passion fruit, orange, plum, hawthorn, Chinese cabbage, black dates, cantaloupe, pumpkin, spinach, carrot, bitter gourd, lettuce, sorbitol, isomal- tooligosaccharide, lactitol, black sugar, arabinose, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus Bifidobacterium.

INGREDIENTS (POWDER): Blueberry fiber powder, psyllium husk, agar, apple fiber powder, comprehensive vegetable and fruit powder (including lemon, celery, papaya, kiwi, pineapple), acidophilic Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium longum, lactic acid powder, pineapple protease, glucose.

INGREDIENTS (PILLS): Pineapple enzyme powder, Taiwan native pineapple stem powder, apple enzyme powder, papaya enzyme powder, maltodextrin glucose, vitamin C, lecithin.


    Medical ingredients