La Parapharmacie
UTI E-Drops
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Product Details

Every year 30 to 50 million North Americans, mostly women, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems, suffer from cystitis and Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). Urinary infections can be due to a variety of causes. Commonly, the shortness of the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside) in women makes it easier for E. coli to enter the bladder. Other factors including fallen bladder and sexual intercourse can be contributing factors.

Symptoms include fever, pain on urination, urgency and frequent urination. Chronic UTI’s can become frustrating and debilitating. Many sufferers have found that antibiotics and other treatments don’t deliver the results they seek and come with their own side effects including yeast infections and allergic reactions.


Each 40 drops (1 ml) contains:

Medicinal Ingredient: Juniper extract - 30 mg

Non-Medicinal ingredients: Ethanol; extracts of lavender, eucalyptus and pinus sylvestris, sunflower oil.

Recommended Use

Adult Dose:

Dilute 40 drops (1 ml) in small amount (1/4 cup) of water, mix well and drink.

Take 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals or as recommended by your health care practitioner. Do not use undiluted!


Not recommended for children. Breast-feeding women should consult with their health care practitioner before using. Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms persist. Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen. Avoid contact with eyes and mucus membranes. Avoid if you have either acute or chronic inflammation of the kidneys or kidney failure. Do not use longer than 4 weeks as it may cause renal damage. Those with either acute or chronic inflammation of the kidneys or kidney failure should not use juniper. Do not use if you are pregnant as it may cause uterine contractions.


    Medical ingredients