La Parapharmacie
Phosphatidylserine 50 mg
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Product Details

Phosphatidylserine or PS is a natural part of the membranes (walls) of our cells. Our bodies particularly need PS in order to build brain cell membranes. These membranes help us to release important brain messengers called dopamine or acetylcholine. These messengers help us to feel cheerful and remember things. As we get older our brains produce less PS. PS has been studied by researchers and has been shown to be aid those with age-related memory loss. It can even help to sharpen the memories of those with no memory problems. A bonus for all of us!

Medicinal Ingredients
  • Each capsules contains:
  • Phosphatidylserine (soy lecithin)50 mg from 167 mg SerinAid® PS-30
Recommended Use

Helps to support cognitive function in adults.##### Directions

Adults - take 3 capsules, 2 times per day, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.##### Contraindications

Please do not use this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.