La Parapharmacie
Panax Ginseng
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Product Details

Each Softgel Contains:

Medicinal ingredients: - Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer extract (root) 100 mg (Standardized to 10% ginsenosides)

Panax ginseng extract is the highest quality ginseng available. It has been standardized at the preferred concentration of naturally balanced active constituents. This ginseng is a concentration of 4–6 year old main roots.

Non-medicinal ingredients: Organic flaxseed oil, softgel (gelatin, glycerin, purified water, carob), yellow beeswax, lecithin.

Suggested Use

Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer (Ginseng radix) is named after the botanist and explorer C.A. Meyer. It is the most ancient and recognized species of ginseng. It is the primary species used in scientific studies to explore ginseng's properties. 

Extensive clinical studies over the past 20 years show that this ginseng has two main effects. As an adaptogenic, it enhances the body's non-specific response to external stress. It also improves physical and mental performance.


Consult a health care pracitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have diabetes, if you are taking blood thinners or digoxin or if you are taking antidepressant medication. Some people may experience insomnia, anxiety, or headaches, in which case, discontinue use.


    Medical ingredients