La Parapharmacie
Only Minerals
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Product Details

The body needs a full range of minerals for optimal health, but high, unbalanced doses of any mineral can impede absorption of others. People taking therapeutic doses of one of the minerals such as calcium or magnesium could consider supplementing with trace minerals as well. Insufficient mineral levels can lead to immune impairment, weakened bones, poor skin health, and cardiovascular and joint conditions. Adequate levels of trace minerals are important to skin, muscle, cartilage, teeth and bone development and repair, immune function, hormone regulation, and to control inflammation.

Suggested Use


Take 4 capsules daily with food or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Take a few hours before or after taking other medications.


  • Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you have a liver disorder. Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you have a history of non-melanoma skin cancer. Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. For adult use only.


    Medical ingredients