La Parapharmacie
Olea Europaea
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Product Details

Olea Europaea has anti-thrombophilic and anti-viscous properties that aid in regulating the circulation of blood by making it less viscous. Its prescription is restricted to sclerotic patients whose intellectual functions have diminished considerably. This remedy will have some therapeutic value only when prescribed exclusively according to biological data.


Medicinal ingredients : - Olea europaea (Olive Tree Young Shoot) 1 X

Non-Medicinal ingredients : Gemmotherapies are prepared in a glycerine, and alcohol solution then filtered and potentized @ a 1/10th dilution in pure water.

Recommended Dosage

Adults: 50 drops (1/2 teaspoon) one to three times daily.

Children under 12: 15 to 25 drops one to three times daily.


If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your health care practitioner. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding do not use, unless directed by your health care practitioner.


    Medical ingredients