La Parapharmacie
Nature's Gold Level
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Product Details

Nature’s Gold is a highly nutritious whole food produced from organic barley seed. Plant seeds are powerhouses of stored nutrients, in concentrations much higher than any other part of the plant. However, ungerminated seeds are very difficult to digest. Employing a unique method developed for Nature’s Gold, the seeds are synchronized to germinate within minutes of each other, resulting in a completely uniform nutrient concentration. The sprouts are then naturally treated by a proprietary process to enormously enhance their nutritional value and keep the nutrient levels stable for months. The unique germination and nutrient stabilization processes of Nature’s Gold make it up to 97% digestible. Regular barley that has not been treated with the Nature’s Gold method has a digestibility of only about 5%. Nature’s Gold transports more amino acids, minerals, and vitamins into cells due to its enhanced digestibility.


  • 97% digestible organic Super Food
  • Nature’s Gold provides 16 amino acids (building material of protein), 7 of which are essential, meaning they must come from the diet.
  • Provides vitamins, minerals, and enzymes working in synergy, in nature’s perfect balance, easily absorbable by the body.
  • Provides simple plant sugars that are essential to the body’s normal functions of cellular regeneration and repair.
  • Provides soluble fiber, which lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  • Helps with detoxification and elimination.


Organic barley

Recommended Use

Follow the instructions carefully and do not exceed the recommended program. It is best to start slowly with Nature’s Gold to avoid immediate healing crisis reactions.

Start with Nature’s Gold Level I on the following schedule. - Week 1: ½ teaspoon per day - Week 2: 1 heaping teaspoon per day - Week 3: 2 heaping teaspoons per day - Week 4: 1 heaping tablespoon per day - Maintain: 2 heaping tablespoons per day

By itself, Nature’s Gold does not have a strong flavour, and so it can be added to any other food. Stir into a smoothie, add to 6 ounces of your favourite beverage (soy drink, protein shake, water, etc). Sprinkle onto cold cereal, yogurt, or cooled porridge. Be creative! To preserve its nutrient value, do not microwave, cook or bake. This will cause deterioration of important enzymes.