La Parapharmacie
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Product Details

Acts on the: - Inflammed and non-inflammed dermatoses - Tissue inflammation - Arterial and cerebral inflammation - Slowing of the endocrine functions - Slowing of intellect and motor skills - Fatigue, nervousness with insomnia - Joint stiffness and bone pain - Age related slowness - Vaginal dryness and dehydration - Premature aging - Age spots (brown) on the body - Loss of venous function

Composition: - Adrenalinum 8x, 10x, 14x, - Alfalfa 8x, - Alumina 18x, - Aralia Quinquefolia 8x, - Avena Sativa 8x, - Baryta Carbonica 8x, 10x, 14x, - Calcarea Fluorica 10x, - Calcarea Phosphorica 10x, - Carbo Vegetabilis 10x, - Cholesterinum 8x, 10x, 14x, - Cortisone Aceticum 8x, - Kali Phosphoricum 8x, 10x, 14x, - Lycopodium Clavatum 8x, 10x, 14x, - Phosphoricum Acidum 10x, - Placenta Totalis Suis 8x, 10x, 14x, - Sepia 18x, - 20% vol Alcohol, - Water USP.


20 drops under the tongue 3 times daily, half an hour before meals or as directed by a health care professional.


Homeopathic remedy. Shake well before using.