La Parapharmacie
Juncturinum Plex
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Product Details

Juncturinum Plex contains a unique formulation of organotherapeutics selected for their specific ability to heal and strengthen injured components of the musculo-skeletal system. Studies show that bone can be weakened by osteoporosis, and joints are more likely to be damaged if supporting muscles and ligaments are weak. Inherent weaknesses or overuse of muscles and joints can make individuals more susceptible to injury both in athletic or non-athletic situations while improper healing and repeated trauma can put the musculoskeletal system at risk for further injury.


Medicinal ingredients : - Juncturinum (Joint) 3 CH - Cartilaginum (Cartilage) 3 CH - Ligamentinum (Ligament) 3 CH - Osseinum (Bone) 3 CH

Recommended Dosage

Adults: 30 drops in the evening before bedtime.

Children under 12: 15 drops in the evening before bedtime.


If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your health care practitioner. If you are pregnant of breastfeeding, do not use, unless directed by your health care practitioner.


    Medical ingredients