La Parapharmacie
Iodine tincture
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Product Details

The Iodine in this little tincture comes from the organically grown seaweed known as bladderwrack. It is an excellent source of Iodine. Iodine is a trace mineral that is required to make thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland regulates the metabolism of just about every cell in the body. A lack of thyroid hormones can interfere with the body’s ability to burn fats, protein or carbohydrates. This powerhouse tincture is a great way to get Iodine without having to chew on seaweed!

Medicinal Ingredients

Each ml contains 100 mcg of iodine from 200 mg of organically grown bladderwrack thalluses (Fucus vesiculosus). It is a 1:5 thallus extract. 

Non Medicinal Ingredients

40% gluten-free grain alcohol and purified water, with organically grown licorice root as a natural flavour enhancer.

Recommended Use

Iodine supports the function of the thyroid gland and prevents iodine deficiency.##### Directions

Adults: Take 2ml, 3 times per day on an empty stomach.##### Cautions

Iodine has no known cautions or contraindications, but always talk to your healthcare practitioner if your symptoms persist or get worse!


    Medical ingredients