Genestra (Seroyal)
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50 ml
Fights hypertension
Available according to the latest information. Suppliers do not advise us in advance when a product is out of stock. Your product may not be immediately available. For more details: Product availability and shipping schedule
Available according to the latest information. Suppliers do not advise us in advance when a product is out of stock. Your product may not be immediately available. For more details: Product availability and shipping schedule
Product Details
Composition: - Plumbum Metallicum 10x, - Baryta Carbonica 8x, - Belladonna 8x, - Aconitum 10x, - Gelsemium 10x, - Carbo Vegetabilis 8x, - Spigelia Anthelmia 8x, - Sulfur 8x, - 20% vol Alcohol, - Water USP.
2 to 3 sprays under the tongue, 3 times daily, half an hour before meals or as directed by a health care professional.
Acute cases:
2 sprays every hour. Reduce with improvement.
Homeopathic remedy. Shake well before using.
- Consulter un praticien la santé si les symptômes persistent ou s'aggravent. Consultez un praticien de la santé avant l'usage si vous êtes enceinte ou si vous allaitez. Conservez ce m/dicament et les m/dicaments en g/n/ral hors de la port/e des enfants.