La Parapharmacie
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Product Details


Medicinal ingredients: - Pulminum (Lung) 6X  - Thymus vulgaris (Thyme Garden) 2X  - Phellandrium aquaticum (Water Hemlock) 5X  - Arsenicum iod (Metal Iodide) 7X  - Calcium phos (Calcium Phosphate) 10X  - Stannum metallicum (Tin) 10X  - Carbo (Vegetable Charcoal) 12X  - Silicea (Silica) 12X  - Sulfur flavus (Sulfur) 12X

Recommended Dosage

Adults: 10 drops under the tongue three times daily two to 20 minutes away from meals. 

Children under 12: Five drops under the tongue three times daily two to 20 minutes away from meals.

Suggested Use

HLU Pneumo Drops a synergistic homeopathic organotherapy preparation specifically formulated to detoxify, support, and strengthen the upper and lower respiratory tracts. Studies show that vigorous, constant oxygen metabolism in the lungs is crucial to maintain optimum cellular levels throughout the body, and can be hampered by poor diet, stress and environmental pollutants.


If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your health care practitioner. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use unless directed by your health care practitioner.


    Medical ingredients