La Parapharmacie
Fractionated Pectin Powder
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Product Details

Fractionated pectin, also known as modified citrus pectin, is a complex polysaccharide obtained from the peel and pulp of citrus fruits. Modified citrus pectin is rich in galactoside residues, molecules that have an affinity for binding to certain types of unwanted cells.

This water-soluble modified citrus pectin provides nutritional support for oncology patients and detoxification.

Suggested Use

Take 1 scoop one to three times daily or as recommended by a health-care practitioner. Mix with a small amount of warm water in a blender or shaker, then dilute with juice of choice.


One Level (5 g) Scoop Contains:

Medicinal Ingredient : Modified Citrus Pectin - 5 g

Other Ingredients: None

This product uses PectaSol-C®. PectaSol-C is a registered trademark of EcoNugenics.


This product is contraindicated in an individual with a history of hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients.

Fractionated Pectin Powder contains an ingredient derived from citrus.

If pregnant, consult your health-care practitioner before using this product.

There are no known adverse interactions or contraindications at publication date.


    Medical ingredients