La Parapharmacie
Fo-Ti (Ho Shou Wu) 560 mg
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Product Details

Fo-Ti was regarded as a rejuvenating plant, thought to prevent aging and to promote longevity by ancient folklore. Millions of people in China take Fo-Ti regularly for its rejuvenating and tonic properties, according to secondary sources. It is used today as a general tonic to promote well-being.

Fo-ti (Polygonum multiflorum), is a plant native to China that is used in Chinese herbal medicine as a blood tonifier. Modern research indicates that this herb contains an alkaloid that has rejuvenating effects on the nerves, brain cells and endocrine glands. Fo-Ti stimulates a portion of the adrenal gland and helps to detoxify the body. The whole root has been shown to lower cholesterol levels, according to animal and human research, as well as to decrease hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis. Fo-Ti is also thought to have a role in strong immune function, red blood cell formation and antibacterial action.


Adult Dosage: Take 6 capsules 3 times daily.

Risk Information

Do not use if you have a spleen deficiency, if you experience phlegm or diarrhea, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


Each capsule contains: - Fo-Ti Powder - 560 mg (Polygonum multiflorum) (Root)

Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Gelatin (capsule) and Magnesium Stearate (vegetable source).