La Parapharmacie
AromaVase Ultrasonic Nebulize
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Product Details

Made with ceramic, the AromaVase is the most efficient form of diffusion. Oils are not heated at all. Unlike conventional essential oil burners and heaters, this diffuser uses ultrasonic technology which converts the oil and water under high frequency vibration into a fine cold mist.

This mist is then diffused throughout the entire room creating a natural spa-like atmosphere. No heat, chemicals, or pump needed. Safer, silent, effective and economical! Easy to use safe and silent. Add water and your favorite essential oil or blends.

Pre-set dispersion level. Digitally programmed to shut off when water level drops too low Can be used as a nebulizer, humidifier or air purifier

Capacity : 150 ml

Suggested Use

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    Medical ingredients