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30 ml


Recommended for diarrhea in children and adults.


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Product Details


Recommended for diarrhea in children and adults, following a food poisoning, excessive consumption of cold drinks, a cold snap, etc. Viral diarrhea gastrointestinal flu.


  • Aloe 15CH:

Compelling stool with gas and gurgling after eating or drinking.

  • Arsenicum Album 15CH:

Grand cure food poisoning.

  • Veratrum Album 15CH:

Profuse diarrhea and watery followed by weakness and sometimes cold sweats.

  • China 15CH:

Diarrhea caused by milk, fruit rather aqueous acids, spoiled meat or fish. Fetid diarrhea worse after eating or drinking.

  • Cuprum Metallicum 9CH:

Intestinal bloating, crampy pain, spasmodic during diarrhea. frequent and urgent needs.

Mucosa : Supports the body reached during these symptoms 5 + 7 + 9 + 12CH

  • Alcool 30%




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