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30 ml


Toning the liver.


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Product Details


Toning the liver "first and second line of defense against the disease : the liver"(Dr. Henry Bieler ). There are several signs to show a sluggish liver. Here are the main : restless sleep, coated tongue, bitter taste, heaviness after meals, poor circulation, dull skin, bowel irregularity, occasional fatigue, etc.


  • Rosmarinus 2D:

Action cholagogue and choleretic. Slow digestion.

  • Juniperus 1D:

Stimulates and heals the liver cells. Stimulates kidney function.

  • Chelidonium Majus 6CH:

Drainer for the liver. Bloated abdomen with tightness.

  • Chenopodium 5CH:

Combat chronic liver congestion.

  • Carduus Marianus 5CH:

Liver disorders. Coated tongue. Lack of appetite. Bilious headache.

  • Natrum Chloratum 10D:

Digestive weakness, drowsiness after meals.

  • Stannum 12 D:

Sluggish all organs, morning sickness to cooking smells. Alumina 12D loss of appetite, belching acids. All bitter.

  • Alcool 30%




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