La Parapharmacie
Cranberry 500 mg
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Product Details

The pain, burning, urinary frequency and urgency of a urinary tract infection can almost be unbearable. Cranberry, that magical little red berry, has been used for centuries in both traditional and herbal medicine to help prevent recurrent urinary tract infections – particularly in women. Taken for a minimum of 4 weeks, cranberry can have a beneficial effect in terms of preventing this uncomfortable and common infection.

Medicinal Ingredients
  • Each capsules contains
  • Cran-Max® Cranberry (34:1 whole fruit extract)250mg equiv. to 8,500mg
  • Cranberry Juice Powder (20:1 juice concentrate)250mg equiv. to 5,000mg
Recommended Use

Helps prevent recurrent urinary tract infections.##### Directions

Adults: Take 1 capsule per day. Use for a minimum of 1month to see beneficial effects. Each capsule is equivalent to 240-300ml (8-10 oz) of cranberry juice concentrate. Colour may vary due to natural ingredients.##### Cautions

Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if you have a history of kidney stones, or if urinary tract infections persist or worsen. ##### Drug Interactions

Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are taking blood thinners.