La Parapharmacie
Cordyceps Cs-4
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Product Details

Cordyceps sinensis is a highly valued medicinal mushroom in both Classical Chinese Medicine and modern clinical practice. In China it is called "winter worm, summer grass", and the "caterpillar mushroom". Cordyceps is found in the highlands of China, Tibet, and Nepal, above 10,000 feet.

Because Cordyseps helps increase stamina, energy levels, and endurance, it has become one of the top selling sports supplements amongst the worlds' elite competitive athletes.

Clinically, Cordyceps is used to support immune health and to support respiratory and renal health. Cordyceps is also used for occasional fatigue.


One capsule contains:

Medicinal Ingredient: Intra-cellular mycelia extract. (Min 16% polysaccharides, 6% cordycepic acid, .2% adenosine) 400mg

Suggested Use

1-3 capsules twice daily, AM and PM, or more as recommended by your health care professional. Take on an empty stomach.


No toxic side affects reported in available literature. Due to Cordyceps reported platelet aggregatio-inhibitory activity caution may be advised for those patients using anticoagulants or preparing for surgery. Also, immuno-modulating substances should be used with extreme care or avoided completely in organ-transplant patients utilizing immuno-suppressive agents.


Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you have lung or kidney problems, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


    Medical ingredients