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30 ml
Incontinence of urine in women. loss of urine.
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Available according to the latest information. Suppliers do not advise us in advance when a product is out of stock. Your product may not be immediately available. For more details: Product availability and shipping schedule
Product Details
Recommended in cases of urinary incontinence in women or the girl, day or night; urine loss while coughing, sneezing, walking, laughing or making an effort. Incontinence often follows pregnancy, bladder catheterization or hysterectomy. Incontinence is becoming more common with age.
4 sprays, 3-4 times a day until improvement. Reduce to 4 sprays once a day for about a month to ensure full recovery.
- Argentum nitricum 9CH:
Urinary incontinence, night and day. Issuance of a few drops of urine after urination ends.
- Causticum 7CH:
Urinary incontinence worse by coughing and sneezing . Retention of urine with need frequent but ineffective.
- Ferrum phosphoricum 9CH:
Relaxation of the bladder sphincter, which is weak and irregular in muscle tone. Involuntary urination after a sudden movement, walking or coughing.
- Gelsemium 9CH:
Weak urination, incomplete and intermittent. Partial paralysis of the bladder, urination feeling incomplete. intermittent urination, urine incontinence. Frequent emission of clear urine like water.
- Magnesia phosphorica 15CH:
Constant urination walking or standing. Bladder spasms, spasmodic retention, spasms of the bladder neck. Bedwetting. Neuralgia after bladder catheterization.
- Natrum muriaticum 9CH:
Polyuria with frequent urination at night. Incontinence when coughing, laughing, walking, stress or sneezing.
- Sarsaparilla 9CH:
Urinary symptoms very strong and marked which does not facilitate the indication of the remedy. Spasm of the sphincter. Urine drop by drop while seated. Urine when standing freely.
- Sepia officinalis 9CH:
Unusually frequent desires to urinate urination and repeated pressure on the bladder. Irritable bladder and involuntary urine flow. Uterine prolapse or bladder, or both. Enuresis first sleep.
- Berberis vulgaris 30CH:
Violent desire to urinate with frequent and copious urination. Incontinence of urine day and night.
Equisetum arvense 9CH: Urinary problems with urinary urgency.
Vessis 4 +7+9+12CH:
Regenerator of the bladder. Calm spasm of the sphincter.
- Alcool 30%