La Parapharmacie
Clary sage
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Product Details

Aromatic molecules

Linalol, sclareol, linalyl acetate.

Distilled organ

Flowering top.

Native to East Asia and Southern and Central Europe, this grassy biennial plant of the Lamiacee family is grown on a large scale in countries with a moderate climate as a ornamental plant but essentially to produce an essential oil used in the fabrication of liquors or perfumes, Sage was a salvaging plant in the Middle Ages. The Greeks, Romans and Arabs commonly used it as a tonic or in compresses against snake bites. Egyptian women had the habbit to drink sage juice to increase their fertility. "He who has sage in his garden, doesn't need a doctor" (Provencal proverb).

Traditionally known for its properties

Oestrogen-like, aphrodisiac, circulation regulating, anticholesterol, antimyosic, antispasmodic, neutrotonic.

Special precautions

Keep out of reach of young children. Unless medical or pharmaceutical advice, not to use during the pregnancy and breast feeding and in the child of less than 3 years. Keep out of heat and light. External use only.

Professional advice:

External : 2 drops of CTEOof clary sage + 2 drops of hazelnut oil applied 2 times a day for a local massage on the lower stomach,

The clary sage is easier to use and less dangerous than the officinal sage, A professional can recomend it to harmonise the female hormonal system.