La Parapharmacie
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Suggested Use

3–6 capsules daily, in divided doses, between meals.


If pregnant or lactating, consult your physician before taking this product.

Alpha lipoic acid may cause gastrointestinal discomfort in some individuals.

In rare cases, alpha lipoic acid has been associated with skin rash.

People with pheylketonuria must avoid phenylalanine. Some research suggests that tardive dyskinesia patients may process phenylalanine abnormally.

Until more is known, it makes sense for people with this condition to avoid phenylalanine supplementation.

Individuals with kidney or liver disease should not consume high intakes of amino acids with consulting their doctor.

Individuals taking alpha lipoic acid with anti-diabetes medications may require blood glucose monitoring.

Consult your physician for more information.


    Medical ingredients